Monday, August 2, 2021



10" by 20" on heavy linen paper

As August begins, I realized that although we've pretty much been confined to the house for the past 16 or so months, the time has gone by fairly quickly. The thing that I miss most is going out to breakfast! We had a ritual of going to breakfast after seeing my chiropractor down in Fort Myers - there's a great place right on the road that takes us there. I am finally going back to see him again, and thought I might be ready to try a breakfast out - being fully vaccinated and things looking up, but I chickened out! And now we've got another go 'round with the Delta variant, so I guess it will be a while longer. I've been saying to Melissa all along, "We'll go out to eat again sometime in 2022!" Sorry to say, it looks like I was right!

This is a photo Melissa took at the cafe...well...a long time ago now. It doesn't tell you much about the place, but it's a cool photo. You'll have to take my word for it that the food is good.

Red Umbrellas at the McGregor Cafe

It's good to be seeing the Doc again, because he adjusts my cervical spine to line everything up so the messages from the brain can get through to the body. When I'm "out," my mind does not work so well, and neither do my feet!

On to the update about my July painting efforts!

I painted quite a lot in July and was again trying something new. I wanted to loosen things up even more, and like using a "dry brush" technique. This gives the work a mellowed appearance.

Usually, acrylic paint is applied using a dampened brush, but the dry brush (as you may have guessed!) means you don't use any water! The paint is applied straight from the tube, thinly and quickly, with a kind of staccato motion. For someone with Parkinson's that's kind of helpful! I've also returned to doing more work with the palette knife, which I love.

Sometimes I get discouraged because I look around and see how many paintings I have hanging and stored in my studio. Then I saw an article about a well-known artist in one of my art magazines, and he had hundreds of paintings, framed and unsold, on his wall, and hundreds more stored. So I felt a little better...just a little!

We're at the point where we need to winnow down the collection again, so if you see a painting here that you like, just make an offer! Don't worry about insulting me, I'd rather have a good piece find a home for a modest sum than get stored away - or thrown away! 

Let's just say the minimum offer on anything you see here should be $40 - so throw something out there, and let's see if we can't find homes for some of these. If you aren't local to us, you will have to pay shipping, so we can figure that out. Email me or ask Melissa via Facebook. Paintings on linen canvas panel can be displayed on easels, which saves on framing. Or frame them! If you buy one, do whatever you want with it!

Okay, here's what happened in July!! Thanks for stopping by and taking a look.

Calm Surf
12" by 12" on linen canvas panel

Dusk in the High Country
12" by 12" on linen canvas panel

High Desert Sunrise Magic
12" by 12" on linen canvas panel

Nightfall Descends
12" by 12" on linen canvas panel

10" by 20" on heavy duty linen paper

Sedona Blue
12" by 12" on linen canvas panel

Storm Forming
12" by 16" on linen canvas panel

Summer Waves
12" by 12" on linen canvas panel

Taos, NM Plateau Volcanic Field
16" by 20" on heavy linen paper