Tuesday, February 1, 2022



Wow! The end of January already! Seems like just a minute ago that I wished you all a Happy New Year. Once January ends, it's like the year just goes on a sprint and the next thing you know, I'll be wishing you Happy New Year again!

So as we end January, not much has changed - we're still wearing masks and trying not to get a virus....

I painted a LOT in January, and have started a new series called In the Moment. These are peaceful landscapes done in a style called Open Impressionism. So far I've done three and expect to do five or six total. 

This is a new brush style that is looser than my typical style. It's called "open" because the brush strokes are not connected to other strokes - creating a sort of mosaic appearance. I have been studying the work of Erin Hanson, an artist who demonstrates the style on YouTube.

Hope all is well with everyone out there. If you see something here you like, let Melissa or me know.


A couple of example of the open impressionistic style. Notice the longer, disconnected brush strokes in the foreground.

 And some of my other work from this month:

Aspens Aspens Aspens

The Calm Before the Storm

Storm Clearing the Wetlands

Aichen Triad, Scottish Highlands

Loebar Beach, Cornwall, England

Distant Hills
