Saturday, August 3, 2019

What I Was Up to in June and July

This year our traveling will take place in September, so we've stayed put here in Florida this summer and I've continued to be busy painting. I tend to alternate between spurts of painting southwest scenes and then switching over to ocean scenes.

I've also been repurposing a lot of paintings - by that I mean that, periodically I go through my paintings and decide which ones to keep, which ones to toss, and which ones I can paint over. Paint and paper aren't cheap, you know, so it helps to reuse the paper if I can. It's an interesting process to go through my work every few months; sometimes I look at a painting that I thought was great when I did it a few months ago, and decide I don't like it that much now! A lot of times, it's the experiment that I enjoy; the adventure of trying new techniques and seeing how they come out.

Anyway, here are the paintings that represent my artistic exploration for June and July 2019. Enjoy!