Tuesday, May 29, 2018

O'Keefe Country

This past week, I worked on two landscape scenes of Georgia O'Keefe country - the area of northern New Mexico near Abiquiu.

The rocks of this region take on different depths and tones of color, depending on the mineral content of the rock formation, the time of day, quality and direction of the light, and atmospheric conditions. While at times the rocks take on vermillion hues similar to the red rocks of Sedona, at other times, and particularly when the sun is hitting them directly, they take on a more golden hue.

In these two pieces, I have tried to capture these different effects. Regardless, the landscape of this region is breathtaking.

Georgia O'Keefe Country - Abiquiu, NM
18" x  24" in acrylic with palette knife

Abiquiu, NM
18" x 24" in acrylic with palette knife